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Thursday, January 14, 2021

Will the Pro-Life March Get Burned?

If Antifa and BLM infiltrated Trump's march, you can bet they'll try their hand at the DC pro-life march. That march has been a stick in the liberal craw for fifty years.

It will be interesting to see if they can turn the pro-lifers into violent terrorists via a false flag operation. I give 'em better than even money that they manage it.

The job is easy. The Antifa/BLM groups dress as pro-lifers, act as pro-lifers during the march, then one group breaks down a barricade or opens a closed/locked set of doors while others use their bodies and signs to shield the crowd from seeing what is going on.

Once the doors are open or barricades are down, the A/BLM group then acts as traffic cops, directing unsuspecting crowd members into the forbidden area.

If they do the job right, the crowd never fully realizes that they've just been turned into a set of "rioting terrorists". That's how the complicit MSM will paint them as soon as they cross into the forbidden area, no matter how pacific or well-mannered they may be.

If the A/BLM group is REALLY good, once the crowd starts surging into the forbidden area, the A/BLM agitators will then start enough of a fight with police to incentivize the cops to tear gas the crowd. As the crowd is trying to figure out what the hell is happening, the tear gas canisters escalate and the A/BLM members fade away.

Since Trump/Pence have so closely identified with the pro-life movement, they have really set up this year's marchers for the slam-dunk into being labelled "violent terrorists."

Even if the previous fifty years have been peaceful, the MSM will claim that the crowd is primarily crazy Trumpkins, and that explains the 2021 violence.

All those "pro-life" things Trump did?
The promise to jail women who have abortions?
The promise to murder born children?
The continuation of Obama's policy of separating parents from children?
The gift of a half-billion taxpayer dollars to Planned Parenthood
The way he linked pro-lifers to the KKK?
The way he linked pro-lifers to the commission of international war crimes?

Remember all those pro-life things he did? 

We'll get burned.

Donald Trump is the worst "pro-life" president we've ever had, but he isn't done screwing us over yet.

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