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Thursday, January 07, 2021

Stupidity or Efficiency?

Everyone is claiming the Republicans are stupid for not contesting this fraud, and Trump  - the 3-D chess player - somehow marvelously missed the possibility of fraud that was telegraphed for almost a year prior to the election.

But look at it from the oligarch's point of view, of which Trump is one of the founding members.

What makes you think it was stupidity?

Certainly the Democrats have lost confidence in the people, and have therefore dissolved the people and elected a new set of "people", i.e. Dominion machines. 

Certainly, our jobs as voters are now gone, lost to automation.

But, from the oligarchs point of view, what is stupid about moving voting over to machines and away from the fickle masses? 

Certainly both sides of the oligarchy understand the marvelous efficiency this gives them in getting the election results they want. They don't have to spend nearly as much money, they can spend a lot more time in their basements, and they still win, as long as they have the best hackers. 

This is a much smaller, more efficient business model for both sides. This is the glory of capitalism at its highest. What's not to like? What is stupid about being more efficient in running your business?

Our job, as voters, is simply to make sure we are registered. Whether or not we vote, who we vote for, none of that matters anymore. Both sides just need us registered to vote, and that's enough. They take care of the rest, their hackers make sure we have voted correctly. We don't have to bother our little heads about our individual votes - that will be determined by people who know better than us. We don't even have to be alive. All that matters is that we register, and they take care of the rest for us. 

This is easier for them, and easier for us. Who doesn't admire the efficiency of this new setup? Are you all opposed to free market capitalism? Heck, when it comes to elections, now ANYONE can play, as the Chinese have already demonstrated. It's much more egalitarian, much more inclusive, much more streamlined, than the old system. 

Who would stand against progress? 

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