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Friday, November 30, 2018


We now have allowed "cis-gender" and "transsexual" to enter our vocabulary. We use these words as if they actually mean something. So, we need an accurate word to describe contraception users.

I propose "trans-eunuchs", or perhaps "trans-castrati".
Either word accurately describes the intention and purpose of the contraception user.

Choose your favorite meme

Thursday, November 29, 2018

America: Brave New World

"In the liberal total state, sex plays the same role as vodka did in the old Soviet Union."
That is a BRILLIANT one-sentence summary of Brave New World, and an automatic comparison to 1984's use of Victory Gin.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

FSSP: Compare and Contrast

According to Vogue, Womenpriests was founded 29 June 2002:
"Today, there are approximately 145 women Catholic priests in the U.S. and about 204 worldwide, according to the Roman Catholic Womenpriests organization"

According to the Parish Priests initiative, which was founded by nine parish priests in 2006 to promote heresy concerning homosexuality:

"the initiative says it now has around 350 members from the ranks of the official Church and more than 3,000 lay supporters"

According to the FSSP, which was founded July 18 1988:
Priests: 330
Non-deacon seminarians (including postulations): 162

For people who say Traditional liturgy is our salvation

Today, Orthodox Christians represent only 4 percent of the world’s population. Additionally, Orthodox followers account for 12 percent of Christians worldwide, down 8 percentage points from the levels in 1910, according to the Pew report.


If the traditional liturgy were what converted people, the Eastern Orthodox would be growing like mushrooms after a rain.  Instead, they are wilting like mushrooms in the desert. The FSSP has been around twice as long as WomenPriests or the "Parish Priests Initiative", but the numbers of ordained (or, in the case of women priests, invalidly "ordained") between the three groups are comparable.


There is no serious demand for the traditional liturgy. People aren't flocking to it. The best-known and most successful group of traditional-liturgy-minded Catholics, the FSSP, are about as numerous as any other fringe group in the Catholic Church.