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Wednesday, January 27, 2021

On the Crazy Gamestop Stock Price

 For those of you who haven't heard, Gamestop is a dying mall retail chain store that re-sells used CDs, games and game equipment. If you don't mind buying second-hand, you can go there to get your electronics fix. Gamestop has no web presence to speak of, and no real future. It is the 2020's version of Blockbuster Video.

A retail store like that should be seeing constantly falling stock prices. Instead, the stock is booming. Why? Well, apparently the nation's millennials have declared war on the corporate world. So far, it looks like the millennials are winning:

did some redditt research:

mellenials are pissed.  they cant buy a house, because the boomers drove the prices up and wages didnt follow.  they wont ever retire,  ss and medicare are bankrupt.  saving 10-20K is nothing--its a paltry sum in these days--not enuf for down payment on a condo.  so.....they will buy they whole float (69 mil) of any stock with more shorts than longs (or a very high short %) and force the shorts to buy from them at their price (with their paltry $1-20K collective savings--chump change in this world until collectively used---genius, actually.).  In march...when the market crashed....the redditt crowd mocked the boomers for having the fed save their asses. "boomers cant handle a bear market' --stocks never go down?  "we'll teach you stocks never go down". the stock the millenials target will never go down (gamestop) until they get hedge funds to pay their price  to unwind their shorts. its a war---millenials versus the establishment/boomers.  $1000/share price target for starters.  The millenials feel (correctly) they have nothing to lose, because the boomers have fooked valuations and rigged this market for decades at the millenials expense. Next stock on the queue for short crushing--->BB???

correct me where im wrong---this is the way i understand it.   you need 5-10x cash reserves to short this potato and wait it out until capitulation.

If you like rooting for the underdog, this makes for a very entertaining show. Joe Biden, in office all of seven days, has just thrown down on the side of the big corporations, and expressly screwed the college graduate population. This is unlikely to go well for China Joe and his corporate puppet masters. 

A friend of mine asked me what the deal was with GME, ELI5 style. I told him:

A big investor bet that a stock would go down, and they orchestrated giant sales in order to make it so.

It was so profitable that they sold more stock than was even available, which is super-greedy, but not unusual. But we found out.

When you sell a stock expecting it to go down, you are required to buy it back at some point. But because we found out, we bought all the stock there was to buy.

And now, they’re super pissed because we’re playing keep-away with the stock they HAVE to buy- and we’re using Reddit to warn each other about the shady bulk sales and scare tactics they’d normally use to get us to sell.

So as long as we stick together, they’re going to keep losing money, and the price they have to pay keeps going up.

There is no limit to how much money they can lose if we all agree not to sell. So now they’re going on TV and using words like “collusion”, and “fraud” to justify some legal intervention because we’re doing to them what they normally do to us.

TL;DR: We’re playing keep-away against the billionaires, and Reddit is allowing us to win.

Read the comments on the Zerohedge story. Gamestop is just the beginning. Corporate traders, if you have short positions in any company, you are about to get your face torn off. 

The corporate suits and brokerages have done a very, very stupid thing. The halted trading on GME and have begun to sell their users' positions without getting the users' permissions first. Now, sure, this is criminal theft, but that isn't the stupidest part of this scenario. 

There are something like 4 million people in on this GME trade right now. They just seriously pissed off EVERYONE in that group of 4 million. What are the chances that at least one of those 4 million people is described by this Leverage quote from the San Lorenzo Job:

Nathan Ford: You know what I have? I have twenty-four year old genius with a smart phone and a problem with authority. You never really stood a chance.

This is going to get very ugly for the corporate suits. If they are lucky, they get jail time. If not, they get the mob. 

Thursday, January 21, 2021

How Infallibility Works

Some people think papal infallibility is crazy talk, but it isn't magic nor is it nuts. It is actually very simple. And it isn't the encyclical or the bull that is, or is not, considered infallible. It is the teaching within the document, whatever that document might be.

Look, the Pope is the Pope whether he arrives at a location in the Popemobile or in a VW bug. Doesn't matter. The vehicle isn't the important thing, it's the person in the vehicle.

Same with teachings. While certain types of documents are associated with a certain level of authority (e.g., apostolic constitutions are considered the document with the highest level of authority within the Ordinary Infallible Magisterium), it is the content of the document that is considered infallible, not necessarily the document itself.

So, changes to the liturgy (e.g., raising a person to the altar of sainthood) are infallible teachings. But an infallibly true statement can be made in ANY kind of document. Heck, I can make an infallibly true statement in this post... watch me, "God is one God in three distinct Persons." There.

By echoing the constant teaching of the Church, I just made an infallibly true statement. That is all the Pope does when he speaks infallibly. He simply teaches what the Church has always taught.  That is literally all there is to papal infallibility. Nothing more. 

That's all the Pope does when he promulgates in infallible teaching - he just states the constant teaching of the Church. Now, in some cases, this teaching is not - for whatever reason - very well known. Worse, not only is it the case that not everyone is fully aware that something is a constant teaching of the Church, but in a few cases, some Catholics are actually actively opposed to a constant teaching of the Church. In those cases, the Pope has to promulgate the teaching with a very high level of authority. That's an exercise of the Extraordinary Infallible Magisterium.

But sometimes, there isn't active opposition, there is just confusion or lack of clarity, or certainty, etc. The lack of certainty by a large swath of Catholics doesn't merit a high level of forcefulness, so the Pope just puts the constant teaching out in a vehicle that is associated with a lower level of assertiveness. This is the Ordinary Infallible Magisterium.

The lower level of assertiveness does not mean the teaching is "less" true, it just means the Pope feels we only need a gentle reminder. For these teaching, we don't need a slap across the face to get our attention. Various documents within the Ordinary Magisterium may be vehicles for various teachings of the Church - while some teachings certainly derive from others, all of these constant teachings are equally true, all are infallibly correct, all are co-equal in these respects. The document the teaching is promulgated in shows us how the Pope assesses our grasp of the Faith. The more assertive the document, the more obvious it is that the Pope wants us to pay close attention to this teaching. The more assertive the document, the more important it is to our life of faith. Thus, since liturgy and sacraments are central to the life of faith, those are always put out with a very high level of Ordinary Magisterial authority - apostolic constitutions. Other teachings are equally true, but perhaps not as central to every-day life, so a lesser vehicle is used. 

That is the role of the various kinds of documents, why we have several kinds. Hopefully, this clarifies the understanding of infallible teachings and the various documents that transport them safely to our doorsteps.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Will the Pro-Life March Get Burned?

If Antifa and BLM infiltrated Trump's march, you can bet they'll try their hand at the DC pro-life march. That march has been a stick in the liberal craw for fifty years.

It will be interesting to see if they can turn the pro-lifers into violent terrorists via a false flag operation. I give 'em better than even money that they manage it.

The job is easy. The Antifa/BLM groups dress as pro-lifers, act as pro-lifers during the march, then one group breaks down a barricade or opens a closed/locked set of doors while others use their bodies and signs to shield the crowd from seeing what is going on.

Once the doors are open or barricades are down, the A/BLM group then acts as traffic cops, directing unsuspecting crowd members into the forbidden area.

If they do the job right, the crowd never fully realizes that they've just been turned into a set of "rioting terrorists". That's how the complicit MSM will paint them as soon as they cross into the forbidden area, no matter how pacific or well-mannered they may be.

If the A/BLM group is REALLY good, once the crowd starts surging into the forbidden area, the A/BLM agitators will then start enough of a fight with police to incentivize the cops to tear gas the crowd. As the crowd is trying to figure out what the hell is happening, the tear gas canisters escalate and the A/BLM members fade away.

Since Trump/Pence have so closely identified with the pro-life movement, they have really set up this year's marchers for the slam-dunk into being labelled "violent terrorists."

Even if the previous fifty years have been peaceful, the MSM will claim that the crowd is primarily crazy Trumpkins, and that explains the 2021 violence.

All those "pro-life" things Trump did?
The promise to jail women who have abortions?
The promise to murder born children?
The continuation of Obama's policy of separating parents from children?
The gift of a half-billion taxpayer dollars to Planned Parenthood
The way he linked pro-lifers to the KKK?
The way he linked pro-lifers to the commission of international war crimes?

Remember all those pro-life things he did? 

We'll get burned.

Donald Trump is the worst "pro-life" president we've ever had, but he isn't done screwing us over yet.

Thursday, January 07, 2021

21st Century "Running Man"

 Does anyone remember The Running Man? From Wikipedia: 

The Running Man is a 1987 American dystopian action film directed by Paul Michael Glaser and starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, María Conchita Alonso, Richard Dawson, Yaphet Kotto, and Jesse Ventura. It is very loosely based on the 1982 novel of the same title written by Stephen King and published under the pseudonym Richard Bachman. The film's story, set in a dystopian United States between 2017 and 2019, is about a television show called The Running Man, where convicted criminal "runners" must escape death at the hands of professional killers. The Running Man was a moderate box office success in the United States, grossing $38 million on its $27 million budget, but opened to mixed reviews from critics.

Has anyone considered that this film is a nearly perfect, wonderfully prescient, description of this year's events? 

Think about it. Over the last year, The Running Man has essentially been the plot-line of the year. It has been our newest Reality TV show, "Politics in the USA." I'm interested in seeing the next episode.

So far, all the episodes this past year have just been endlessly entertaining. There's nothing like watching multiple, live-action, real-life episodes in this snuff film series, followed by posturing on both sides, to make me realize what a skilled set of rulers we have in our oligarchs. We may just be peasants, but it's wonderful the way both sides are willing to set us up for violence and death, so long as they maintain hold on their wealth and power.

They have provided us with one hell of a Hollywood-curated show. I'm just amazed so many people are willing to volunteer to be contestants. 

Stupidity or Efficiency?

Everyone is claiming the Republicans are stupid for not contesting this fraud, and Trump  - the 3-D chess player - somehow marvelously missed the possibility of fraud that was telegraphed for almost a year prior to the election.

But look at it from the oligarch's point of view, of which Trump is one of the founding members.

What makes you think it was stupidity?

Certainly the Democrats have lost confidence in the people, and have therefore dissolved the people and elected a new set of "people", i.e. Dominion machines. 

Certainly, our jobs as voters are now gone, lost to automation.

But, from the oligarchs point of view, what is stupid about moving voting over to machines and away from the fickle masses? 

Certainly both sides of the oligarchy understand the marvelous efficiency this gives them in getting the election results they want. They don't have to spend nearly as much money, they can spend a lot more time in their basements, and they still win, as long as they have the best hackers. 

This is a much smaller, more efficient business model for both sides. This is the glory of capitalism at its highest. What's not to like? What is stupid about being more efficient in running your business?

Our job, as voters, is simply to make sure we are registered. Whether or not we vote, who we vote for, none of that matters anymore. Both sides just need us registered to vote, and that's enough. They take care of the rest, their hackers make sure we have voted correctly. We don't have to bother our little heads about our individual votes - that will be determined by people who know better than us. We don't even have to be alive. All that matters is that we register, and they take care of the rest for us. 

This is easier for them, and easier for us. Who doesn't admire the efficiency of this new setup? Are you all opposed to free market capitalism? Heck, when it comes to elections, now ANYONE can play, as the Chinese have already demonstrated. It's much more egalitarian, much more inclusive, much more streamlined, than the old system. 

Who would stand against progress? 

Seen on the Internet

"So now that Trump is not president is he going to prosecute the Clinton's.  Now he is going to start doing things?

Trump played his supporters from day 1.  He hired swamp and tribe creatures, he increased the wars, the illegals have increased,

He derailed the movement to take back America, that was the job he was tasked with.

He never used the FBI, CIA, NSA, Homeland Security to investigate and prosecute Antifa/BLM or even the election fraud.  He just made a show and made noise.

He made big talk to encourage the rally in DC, hinted at something BIG he would do, implied a bold move would occur -- all to lure them in for their destruction.

He stirred them up to action, and then made them into the bad guys to be shunned.  His Vice Pres. called them criminals to be prosecuted, the repubs rejected them, they were shot dead, Trump told them to obey orders, Trump called in the military to prepare to shoot more of them if they approached the White House and Trump called in the FBI to shoot them if they did not leave congress building (funny how Trump can use the FBI quickly when he wants to)

And then Trump CONCEDES at the perfect time for the full effect. 

Thus destroying their momentum and belief in their movement.  They now go home with their tails between their legs, their strong talk silenced with the deaths of their members, spat upon by those they thought were their heros, their idolized hero surrenders, their military called in to shoot them if they continue --- 

Trump played them perfectly, from the beginning to the very end.  Now they are lost."


"ask yourself why would Trump supporters interrupt the planned objections to the electoral count? They wouldn't. This was a false flag designed to get Republicans to drop the objections and make Trump supporters look bad and it worked. "