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Sunday, December 22, 2024

Holocaust: Do Non-Jews Count?

Statista lists around 5.3 million Jews killed:

BBC lists around 5.5 million non-Jews killed:

"Historians estimate that between 1.5 and 1.8 million non-Jewish Polish people died during Nazi occupation...

Of the 5.7 million Soviet prisoners of war who were captured during the invasion of the Soviet Union, 3.3 million were killed...

Historians estimate that around 220,000 Roma and Sinti were murdered by the Nazis...

It is estimated that around 200,000 people with disabilities were murdered during the Nazi regime."

The Holocaust killed more non-Jews than it did Jews.

The only way to deny that is to say what the Jewish Virtual Library and Yad Vashem says. 

"However tragic, these non-Jewish victims are typically not considered victims of the Holocaust. According to the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Museum in Jerusalem, “By the 1950s, the English term Holocaust came to be employed as the term for the murder of the Jews in Europe by the Nazis. Although the term is sometimes used with reference to the murder of other groups by the Nazis, strictly speaking, those groups do not belong under the heading of the Holocaust, nor are they included in the generally accepted statistic of six million victims of the Holocaust.”

which is essentially, if you were murdered by the Nazis but you weren't Jewish, then your death doesn't count as a Holocaust death. They find circular definitions really useful.

It is interesting to note that: "No signed documents ordering Adolf Hilter’s “Final Solution” thus far have been found, because throughout their retreat the Nazis meticulously destroyed such documents along with, whenever they could, all physical evidence that death camps such as Sobibor had ever existed."


"It may be added, as a reminder that we are not just discussing genocide against Jews, that documentation does exist, dated to August 22, 1939, of Hitler ordering the ultimate extermination of the Poles in order to assure that the “Lebensraum” of their soil would never again be disputed, with his notorious cynical reference to what the Ottoman Turks had done to the Armenians in 1915."

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