When the museum staff and historians at Auschwitz tell us, on their official website, that the 6 million number was dramatically wrong, that's a problem for the whole Holocaust narrative.
The original 6 million figure included 4 million killed at Auschwitz, two-thirds killed at Auschwitz alone. But the Auschwitz number was off by more than 60%. If Auschwitz was off by 60%, how many of the other numbers are correct?
"It was accepted for many years after the war that about 4 million prisoners died in Auschwitz Concentration Camp. That figure, which originated with the findings of the Soviet commission investigating Nazi crimes, was based on accounts by former prisoners, fragmentary records, and crime-scene investigation at the site. In 1983, the French investigator Georges Wellers, a former Auschwitz prisoner on the staff of the Center for Jewish Documentation in Paris, extended his research to include documents on the number of deportees to the camp and concluded that about 1.6 million people were sent to Auschwitz, where nearly 1.5 million of them died."
We already know that, per capita, more Roma were killed than Jews. We already know Generalplan Ost, the extermination programme also involved the policy known as the "Hunger Plan", which would have killed more than 30 million Slavic natives in forced starvations, was in the works.
The Holocaust was not just about, or even primarily about, Jews. Yet if anyone points that out, certain groups instantly label these facts "anti-semitic." That's a different perspective than what you were taught in high school, but it is far more historically accurate than what the popular press pushes. So, yes, there are at least two perspectives on the Holocaust, and the perspective you know, the idea that the Holocaust was primarily about killing Jews, is simply incorrect. The Slavs, the Roma, were both more viciously targeted, and in the case of the Roma, more viciously persecuted, than the Jews.
We also know that over 10 million Slavs were killed, roughly twice the number of Jews killed.
The attack on the Roma was so vicious, Germans didn't even bother to mention them in the law: "The Citizenship Law of 1943 omitted any mention of “Gypsies” since they were not expected to exist much longer."
"It is difficult to determine the number of Roma killed during the Holocaust. It is estimated that of the approximately one million Roma living in Europe before the war, between 250,000 and 500,000 were killed."
"It is estimated that 3 million Christian Poles along with another 3 million Jewish Poles were killed during WWII-- a loss of 22% of their entire population (Silverstein). The occupation and genocide of Poland by the Nazis was known by the name Operation Tannenberg. This plan saw the Polish people executed as they were viewed to be subhuman by the German State. A lesser known plan, Intelligenzaktion Pommern, involved the elimination of Polish elites including teachers, doctors, priests, and community leaders." https://nmu.edu/english/sites/english/files/d7files/WritingAwards/Cohodas/2nd_-_Human_Rights_Contest.pdf
Despite these facts, the Jewish Virtual Library then says, "However tragic, these non-Jewish victims are typically not considered victims of the Holocaust. According to the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Museum in Jerusalem, “By the 1950s, the English term Holocaust came to be employed as the term for the murder of the Jews in Europe by the Nazis. Although the term is sometimes used with reference to the murder of other groups by the Nazis, strictly speaking, those groups do not belong under the heading of the Holocaust, nor are they included in the generally accepted statistic of six million victims of the Holocaust.”
The deaths of the Roma, the Christian Poles, the Slavs in general were just as numerous, just as important, and just as much part of the Holocaust as that of the Jews.
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