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Sunday, December 22, 2024

Holocaust: Do Non-Jews Count?

Statista lists around 5.3 million Jews killed:

BBC lists around 5.5 million non-Jews killed:

"Historians estimate that between 1.5 and 1.8 million non-Jewish Polish people died during Nazi occupation...

Of the 5.7 million Soviet prisoners of war who were captured during the invasion of the Soviet Union, 3.3 million were killed...

Historians estimate that around 220,000 Roma and Sinti were murdered by the Nazis...

It is estimated that around 200,000 people with disabilities were murdered during the Nazi regime."

The Holocaust killed more non-Jews than it did Jews.

The only way to deny that is to say what the Jewish Virtual Library and Yad Vashem says. 

"However tragic, these non-Jewish victims are typically not considered victims of the Holocaust. According to the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Museum in Jerusalem, “By the 1950s, the English term Holocaust came to be employed as the term for the murder of the Jews in Europe by the Nazis. Although the term is sometimes used with reference to the murder of other groups by the Nazis, strictly speaking, those groups do not belong under the heading of the Holocaust, nor are they included in the generally accepted statistic of six million victims of the Holocaust.”

which is essentially, if you were murdered by the Nazis but you weren't Jewish, then your death doesn't count as a Holocaust death. They find circular definitions really useful.

It is interesting to note that: "No signed documents ordering Adolf Hilter’s “Final Solution” thus far have been found, because throughout their retreat the Nazis meticulously destroyed such documents along with, whenever they could, all physical evidence that death camps such as Sobibor had ever existed."


"It may be added, as a reminder that we are not just discussing genocide against Jews, that documentation does exist, dated to August 22, 1939, of Hitler ordering the ultimate extermination of the Poles in order to assure that the “Lebensraum” of their soil would never again be disputed, with his notorious cynical reference to what the Ottoman Turks had done to the Armenians in 1915."

Glenn Reynolds Calls for Extermination of Israel

 Heh (link)

Glenn, how bad a look is it that you called for the extermination of Israel? 

...And their well-insulated funders."

‘Buying Quiet’: Inside the Israeli Plan That Propped Up Hamas 

Here are some additional links documenting Israel's funding of a terrorist organization, Hamas:

Auschwitz Revises Holocaust numbers

 When the museum staff and historians at Auschwitz tell us, on their official website, that the 6 million number was dramatically wrong, that's a problem for the whole Holocaust narrative.

The original 6 million figure included 4 million killed at Auschwitz, two-thirds killed at Auschwitz alone. But the Auschwitz number was off by more than 60%. If Auschwitz was off by 60%, how many of the other numbers are correct?

"It was accepted for many years after the war that about 4 million prisoners died in Auschwitz Concentration Camp. That figure, which originated with the findings of the Soviet commission investigating Nazi crimes, was based on accounts by former prisoners, fragmentary records, and crime-scene investigation at the site. In 1983, the French investigator Georges Wellers, a former Auschwitz prisoner on the staff of the Center for Jewish Documentation in Paris, extended his research to include documents on the number of deportees to the camp and concluded that about 1.6 million people were sent to Auschwitz, where nearly 1.5 million of them died.",44.html

We already know that, per capita, more Roma were killed than Jews. We already know Generalplan Ost, the extermination programme also involved the policy known as the "Hunger Plan", which would have killed more than 30 million Slavic natives in forced starvations, was in the works.

The Holocaust was not just about, or even primarily about, Jews. Yet if anyone points that out, certain groups instantly label these facts "anti-semitic." That's a different perspective than what you were taught in high school, but it is far more historically accurate than what the popular press pushes. So, yes, there are at least two perspectives on the Holocaust, and the perspective you know, the idea that the Holocaust was primarily about killing Jews, is simply incorrect. The Slavs, the Roma, were both more viciously targeted, and in the case of the Roma, more viciously persecuted, than the Jews.

We also know that over 10 million Slavs were killed, roughly twice the number of Jews killed.

The attack on the Roma was so vicious, Germans didn't even bother to mention them in the law: "The Citizenship Law of 1943 omitted any mention of “Gypsies” since they were not expected to exist much longer."

"It is difficult to determine the number of Roma killed during the Holocaust. It is estimated that of the approximately one million Roma living in Europe before the war, between 250,000 and 500,000 were killed."

"It is estimated that 3 million Christian Poles along with another 3 million Jewish Poles were killed during WWII-- a loss of 22% of their entire population (Silverstein). The occupation and genocide of Poland by the Nazis was known by the name Operation Tannenberg. This plan saw the Polish people executed as they were viewed to be subhuman by the German State. A lesser known plan, Intelligenzaktion Pommern, involved the elimination of Polish elites including teachers, doctors, priests, and community leaders."

Despite these facts, the Jewish Virtual Library then says, "However tragic, these non-Jewish victims are typically not considered victims of the Holocaust. According to the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Museum in Jerusalem, “By the 1950s, the English term Holocaust came to be employed as the term for the murder of the Jews in Europe by the Nazis. Although the term is sometimes used with reference to the murder of other groups by the Nazis, strictly speaking, those groups do not belong under the heading of the Holocaust, nor are they included in the generally accepted statistic of six million victims of the Holocaust.”

The deaths of the Roma, the Christian Poles, the Slavs in general were just as numerous, just as important, and just as much part of the Holocaust as that of the Jews. 

Saturday, December 21, 2024

When Judaism Imposes the Death Penalty

 Jews can and do impose the death penalty on any Jew who collaborates with their enemies - it is a matter of legal jurisprudence in Judaism that anyone who collaborates with the enemies of Judaism should be murdered:

According to Rabbi Steinsaltz, "The Essential Talmud" (1992): 

"Anyone bearing tales against others [Jews] to the alien authorities - even if his evidence pertains to civil law, and even more so if a capital offense is involved - places himself outside the law by his action, and members of the community are permitted and even encouraged to kill him. Even when the death penalty was abolished in certain communities, informers were still sentenced to death. It is interesting to note that in medieval Spain the Jewish courts sentenced Jewish informers, but the sentence was carried out by the Spanish authorities, despite the fact that the informer had been acting on the latter's behalf. The courts continued to judge informers in this severe manner throughout the centuries, and informers have received death sentences within living memory in Soviet Russia and Nazi-occupied territories." (pp 173-174)

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Who Knew Murdering CEOs Was Bad?

"UnitedHealthcare, in particular, has come under public scrutiny as it dramatically increased care denials for its Medicare Advantage enrollees.

The insurer more than doubled the rate of denials for care following hospital stays between 2020 and 2022 as it implemented machine-assisted technology to automate the process, according to a Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigation’s report released in October. That far surpassed its competitors, including Humana, whose care denials grew 54% during the same time period." 

A homeless person can kill two or three people in a night, and only gets what are in his victims' pockets.

A white collar CEO can kill thousands in a night, and make millions in the process.

Which is more dangerous?

Obviously, the homeless man. 

Nobody profits from the homeless man's murders but himself, whereas EVERYONE - employees, managers, and especially stockholders - benefits from the murders the CEO commits. That's why so many people applaud the murder of the violent homeless man, while being simultaneously outraged at the CEO's murder. They wanted the law to vet the CEO's murder, to make sure he absolutely had to be killed, and to delay his death enough to close out long positions.

People complain that Mangione embraced the Unabomber. Well, so has Elon Musk. 

"Elon Musk, a businessman who’s building some of the most advanced technology the world has ever seen, suggested the Unabomber may have been right about the rise of tech creating too many problems for humanity. Musk tweeted, “he might not have been wrong,” in response to a tweet about Ted Kaczynski, the 81-year-old terrorist who died in prison on Saturday.  Musk’s comment was made in response to conservative influencer Ashley St. Clair, who tweeted a quote from Kaczynski on Saturday: "The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.""  
So, Mangione was merely parroting Musk. 

Trump is a billionaire who got elected by representing that he felt the pain and stood in the place of the poor and marginalized. Mangione's family was wealthy, but Mangione did exactly what Trump said Trump could do "Shoot someone... and I would not lose voters."

Brian Thompson was being investigated for insider trading.
Brian Thompson's company, under his leadership, was actively impoverishing and killing people. 

Mangione is simply an instantiation of Trump's entire campaign. It is not at all clear why the right embraces Daniel Penny (who was neither attacked by Jordan Neely, nor did he see Jordan Neely attack anyone) while actively distancing themselves from Mangione (who was not treated by United Health Care, nor impoverished by them). 

UPDATE: Apparently doctors were a little miffed with United Healthcare for killing patients.

Friday, December 06, 2024

Mary Did You Know You Are ... Palestinian?

So, the claim is that since Netflix cast the woman who portrays Mary in part because she is Jewish, everything is ok.

But, notice that she is an Ashkenazi Jew. According to DNA testing, while some (but not all, cf. Levite) Ashkenazi Jews can be traced back to the Middle East in the paternal line (Y chromosome), it has been well-established that Ashkenazi Jews CANNOT be traced back to the Middle East along the maternal line (mitochondrial chromosomes). 

According to the maternal line, over 80% of Ashkenazi are purely European, with no ties to the Middle East at all. And, of course, rabbinic Talmudic Judaism claims to trace descent by the maternal line, not the paternal line.

So, according to the Ashkenazi's own genetic rules, most Ashkenazi Jews are not actually Jewish. And yes, the Israeli rabbinate is known to do DNA testing to establish Ashkenazi descent.  They test DNA, all the while (accurately) denying that Judaism is a race or that there is "Jewish DNA." Obviously, given that Hitler argued precisely that Judaism was a race, this rabbinate-approved DNA testing is somewhat fraught with controversy. 

And, to be fair, there is NOT such a thing as Jewish DNA. There is no DNA test that proves you are Jewish, no DNA segment that is unique to Jews. The best you can get is "Middle East descent." Which could as easily include Arab Muslims (70% and 82% commonality in the Y chromosome) or Arab Christians (50% commonality). 

Thus, the Palestinians are not entirely wrong when they claim Netflix' casting is not genetically authentic. Indeed, they are correct to point out that, from a genetic perspective, anyone whose ancestors have an unbroken history of residing in the Middle East, such as, say, Palestinians, is much more suited to the role.

But, that's just genetics. When it comes to actual cultural/ethnic practice, any Jew who follows the rabbi-Talmud-synagogue system of authority is not very similar to Mary at all. Mary and her parents participated in the blood sacrifice of live animals at the Temple. They did not recognize the authority of rabbis or the Talmud. Before the destruction of the Second Temple, synagogues were more of a social club than a religious experience. No Jew alive today, no one alive today at all, shares a cultural or ethnic experience that has any real overlap with Temple Judaism. 

Besides which, Christians insist that while Mary may have begun her life as an observant Jew, she became the very first, and greatest, Christian. She was also dirt poor. So, from a cultural perspective, the person best suited to the role of Mary would be one of three people, in order of descending preference: (a) an impoverished Palestinian Christian, (b) an impoverished Palestinian Muslim or (c) a 21st-century Jew who had converted to Christianity. 

After all, Muslims are much more aligned to Christian theology than unconverted Jews. Muslims agree that both Jesus and Mary were sinless. Muslims agree that Mary was a virgin and Jesus entered the world via virgin birth. Muslims at least have partial belief in Christian precepts.

Jews, on the other hand, don't agree with any of those things. Given that 21st-century Judaism is almost entirely unlike Temple Judaism, the Jew who converted to Christianity would be converting from an essentially monotheistic paganism to Christianity. As such, a Jew would need to learn to accept both sinlessness and virgin birth, two things which Mary understood from her lifetime of personal experience.

Casting a 21st-century Ashkenazi Jewish woman to play Mary is like casting Elizabeth Warren to play Pocahontas - you could do it based on her claims, but neither the genetics nor the history nor the culture really work to justify the claims.