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Friday, April 05, 2024

Female Sexual Predators

For the woman, the man is a means: the end is always the child.
        ~Friedrich Nietzsche 

In this short video, Jordan Peterson outlines why the current male-female relationship situation is so dangerous for society. In his explanation, he elucidates the issues in an ancient debate. 

One of the constant themes in the Old Testament is that the sexual appetites of WOMEN must be controlled.  In the OT, women are always the sexual predators. Same thing is true in the New Testament. The woman is caught in adultery, not the man. The woman is told she must love her husband, but the man is told he must actually die for his wife, the implication being that her faithfulness isn't guaranteed with any smaller male sacrifice. 

The OT priests sacrificed animals for the unfaithful bride that is Israel, but that turns out not to be enough - Christianity discovers that the husband actually has to sacrifice himself to satisfy the blood lust of the bride and keep society stable. In that sense, the various Christian Bibles substantially tell the tale of the black widow spider, or the praying mantis and her mate. Christianity is the story of a powerful male being killed and consumed by the female for the sake of fecundity. The resurrection just continues the Good News story: a woman CAN have her cake and eat it too.  But, if it is any consolation, as she wipes her lips, the woman does say she feels really guilty about the whole thing.

Female hypergamy destroys societies. The Jews control hypergamy by requiring the man to maintain his wife in the style to which she was accustomed (Marylin Monroe indirectly alluded to this requirement in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes), a right which many women consider foundational to their relationships. 

... a rabbinical court can compel a husband to divorce his wife under certain circumstances: when he is physically repulsive because of some medical condition or other characteristic, when he violates or neglects his marital obligations (food, clothing and sexual intercourse)...

Islam handles female sexual predation by requiring the woman to be veiled and to have a male escort in all public venues. Proof of rape requires the testimony of four male witnesses, and rape can only be perpetrated against Muslim women. This veiling is not unique to Islam. Ultra-orthodox Judaism and Catholic female monasticism require women to be veiled in very similar fashions. 

Christianity uses virginity of the Blessed Virgin as an archetype precisely because her virginity served as a model and control on female hypergamy. Notice that Mary is almost always dressed as what we would consider a medieval nun.

There was long a debate in the early Church concerning whether women should be allowed to remarry at all after the death of their husbands. The alternate argument, which eventually lost, was that marriage was an eternal sacrament, like baptism, confirmation and holy orders. Once you were married, re-marriage would be impossible because you were married to your spouse even after death. While this argument was lost, it is interesting that the argument was made, and considered merited, at all. 

Ancient societies saw female sexual predators as much more dangerous than male sexual predators. I can see no evidence that their assessment was wrong. 

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