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Wednesday, April 03, 2024

A Relationship Epiphany

 Everyone complains that men are terrible at relationships because they don't communicate, they don't talk about their feelings, they don't emote, etc. But, is that really true?

Consider these three videos:

Tik-Tok Transcript:

"You know what, I have a list and you can tell me if any of these ring a bell. These are all men who have had divorces initiated against them:

  1. Brad Pitt
  2. Johnny Depp
  3. Jeff Bezos
  4. Bill Gates
  5. Elon Musk 
  6. Dr. Dre
  7. Ryan Reynolds
  8. Tom Brady
  9. Lance Armstrong
  10. Alex Rodriguez
  11. Channing Tatum
  12. Chris Rock
  13. Ben Affleck
  14. Chris Pratt
  15. Liam Hemsworth
  16. Ben Stiller 
  17. David Duchovny, 
  18. Orlando Bloom
  19. Tiger Wood
  20. Sean Penn
  21. Sylvester Stallone
  22. Paul McCartney
  23. Ryan Philippe
  24. Jason Mamoa
  25. Michael Jordan

These are all very attractive men, high status men, wealthy,  and even they can’t keep a chick. I consider myself kind of a normal dude. Bro, if Brad Pitt can’t keep a chick, I’m f*cked."

Youtube Transcript:

"What is a woman truly saying if they're saying if they say 'I don't like nice guys'?"

They're saying my nervous system does not produce the effect that I call love around people who do not send it into some kind of fight-or-flight response. When I am met with someone who does not make me chase, when I am met with someone who doesn't make me feel I have to earn their love, who doesn't play games, who doesn't give me anxiety by being consistent for three days and then dropping off the radar for five or a week, when I am with someone who doesn't do those things it does not feel like love to me, it doesn't feel like passion, it doesn't feel like fireworks, it doesn't feel like the thing I think I'm supposed to feel..."

Facebook video

Interviewer: More often than not, of all the relationships you have had, do you end the relationship or the guy?

  • Woman 1: I've ended every single relationship.
  • What about you?
  • Woman 2: I've also ended every single relationship.
  • How many relationships have you been in?
  • Woman 2: Three
  • Woman 1: Three
  • What about you?
  • Women 3: Mostly me 
  • How many relationships have you been in?
  • Women 3: Four or five
  • What about you?
  • Woman 4 I've ended them all, I think like five
  • Woman 5: I've ended them all, and I've only been in two
  • What about you?
  • Woman 6: I've been in five or six, and only once has someone else ended the relationship
  • Woman 7: 75% me, eight or nine relationships.
  • Woman 8: Four relationships and I've ended all of them
  • Woman 9: I've ended all three

Whoah! So hold on, a typical complaint I hear from women is why are men so commitment-phobic? Why are men scared of commitment? Why don't men want to get married? All of you, it's almost unanimous, have ended all of your relationships. Once you get commitment, you overwhelmingly end it."

Women don't like being accountable. 


Keep in mind, women initiate 70% of divorces. College-educated women initiate 90% of the divorces

So, people are wrong to ask why men won't commit. The correct question: "why do women almost always initiate break-up and divorce?" Commitment is not a man problem. Commitment is a problem with women.

Women don't like to face the fact that it is female insecurity and female incompetence at maintaining relationships which drives almost all relationship problems. Men don't have relationship problems, women do. 

Women are absolute crap at maintaining relationships. They project their failures and their incompetence onto the men. It ain't us, ladies. It's you. 

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