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Sunday, October 22, 2023

Socialism and the Jews

The Jews have been voting majority Democrat since 1916, when Woodrow Wilson got 55% of the Jewish vote. The 1920 election was the first and only time the Jewish vote went plurality Republican to Harding at 43%, but that was largely because 38% went to Eugene V. Debs, the Socialist candidate for president, while 19% of the Jewish vote went to Cox, the Democrat candidate. In 1920, the Socialist and Democrat tickets split the Jewish ticket. Once that is taken into account, the 1920 aberration is explained: the majority of Jews still voted for the semi-socialist and socialist candidates. 

Why does this matter?

Because once is bad luck.
Twice is coincidence.
Three times is enemy action.

Woodrow Wilson was notorious for growing the socialist tendencies of the US government, that is, the Democrats have been strongly socialist since at least 1916. But the Jews have been strongly socialist since socialism was invented in the early 1800s. That's why the Democrats have been capturing the Jewish vote for well over a century. Jews have always been socialists. When we see them vote for Democrats today, we aren't seeing an aberration, we are seeing bedrock cultural principles in action. Jews vote their principles. They are pro-baby-murder (abortion), pro-alphabet nonsense, pro-socialism. They always have been.

David Ben-Gurion, the founder of Israel, explicitly styled himself as a Zionist Lenin. Israel was founded on socialist principles, the kibbutz was seen as a necessary instrument in a socialist paradise. Joseph Stalin helped create the modern state of Israel. The reasons are easy to understand. As the Jewish Virtual Library points out:

The forerunners of modern socialism were two Frenchmen, Count Henry Claude de Rouvroy de Saint-Simon (1760–1825; see Saint-Simonism) and Charles Fourier (1772–1837). Saint-Simon was impressed by Jewish messianic ideals and, referring to the persecution of the Jews, wrote that he looked forward to the time when all men would be brothers. Two of his followers, Barthélemy Prosper Enfantin (1796–1864) and Armand Bazard (1791–1832), considered the emancipation of the Jews as being one of the preconditions for the liberation of humanity....
In Germany, many of the pioneers of socialism were Jewish. Among them was Moses Hess, whose study Die Philosophic der Tat (“The Philosophy of Action”), linked the ideas of the German philosophical school with the concept of historical materialism on which communism was based.  

And therein lies the problem. Socialists have a strong tendency to kill each other. In the years leading up to the Soviet Revolution, Menshevik socialists and Bolshevik socialists fought each other in the streets of Moscow. In the decade following, Germany's National Socialists fought the International Socialists in the streets of Berlin. At the time of Hitler's Barbarossa invasion of the USSR, Stalin was still feeding Germany huge amounts of resources, such as oil. Once the invasion started, Stalin privately confessed to a colleague that it was not truly unexpected: if Hitler hadn't broken their secret peace agreement, Stalin had intended to break his peace treaty with Hitler and invade Germany at the first opportunity. Stalin had Trotsky assassinated with an ice-pick to the forehead. This is the history of socialism. It has always involved violent, deadly in-fighting. And Jews don't mind that level of violence, as long as they are handing it out, and not on the receiving end. 

For the last century, many Muslims have seen Islam as being completely consistent with socialism. Given that both Jews and Muslims have always found socialism attractive, it is no surprise to see the traditional socialist infighting and back-stabbing continue. Today, instead of Mensheviks vs. Bolsheviks or Nazis vs. communists, we have Jewish socialists versus Islamic socialists. 

America's Jewish socialists vote for and fund the socialist Democrat Party, which in turn funds socialist Hamas and socialist Hezbollah, who in turn, kill Israeli Jewish socialists. Socialist Hamas invades and kills socialist Jews. This should be no surprise. Socialists kill each other. It is what they do.

So watching Jews vote for Democrats, who then fund the terrorists that slaughter Jews, isn't some kind of "mistake" on anyone's part. It is socialists acting as socialists have always acted. When America's Jewish community calls for support against Hamas, it is no different than the Mensheviks calling for support against the Bolsheviks. This is a socialist civil war, a war between cousins, a war between ideological brothers, a war between two groups of monotheists who both deny the Trinity. 

The black sub-culture in America has a 70% illegitimacy rate. It makes up 13% of the population, but causes, and is the victim of, over 50% of the murders. It votes in excess of 80% Democrat.


Any sub-culture that produces 70% socialists and Democrats is just as jacked up. I'm glad that Milton Friedman lived. He was a Jew, a conservative, a capitalist and a genius. I'm glad my sons all read Thomas Sowell and Walter E. Williams - these men are both geniuses, and I hope my sons emulate these men and any man like them. 

But Thomas Sowell understands the culture he came from is very screwed up. He quotes James Flynn, who noted that the post-WW II children of both black and white GIs grew up with exactly the same IQ. Flynn's conclusion was that America's black sub-culture is what destroys the black community. Following on that example, we can make the same argument about the world's Jewish sub-culture. It creates toxic socialists; world-wide Jewish sub-culture produces socialists. We can conclude that the Jewish sub-culture is at least as toxic as America's black sub-culture. 

Thomas admits the problem is America's black culture. Why don't America's conservative, capitalist Jews understand or admit that Jewish theology is absurd, that Jewish culture is toxic? Why don't we have a Jewish voice that is as clear, consistent, logical and brilliant as Thomas Sowell or Walter E. Williams speaking out about the failures of Jewish culture? We need these men to step forward. 

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