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Saturday, December 10, 2022

Why Colleges Are Dying

Many people complain that college standards are dropping. They don't seem to understand that colleges really don't have a choice

Total fertility rate in America has been dropping steadily since 1800. The only uptick in the last two centuries was the post-WW II Boomer generation. That ended in 1963. Ever since, TFR has continued it's inexorable trend down. This means the number of students who can enter any particular college, or all colleges combined, also necessarily trends down each year. 

So, colleges MUST dumb down standards because the number of students coming in drops every year. Colleges push abortion and contraception, then are shocked to find their students don't raise kids or send them to college in turn. As a result, to keep enrollment numbers up, standards MUST drop.

But why are colleges pushing abortion and contraception? Well, eugenics has long been a darling of the Progressive movement. In addition, women are taking over both the degree programs and the administration. The kind of women who want a career are typically the kind of women who don't want children.  But even sterile women value relationships over truth. Institutions reflect the values of the people who run them. 

So, as women take over universities, universities stop being truth-seeking organizations and start being extended touchy-feely therapy sessions for sterile psychotic women who invite in every stray dog so the psychotic women can continue their extended, paid coffee klatsch sessions.

Women don't build stuff. 

Men do. 

Kick men out, and stuff don't get built.

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