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Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Biden's Senile Dementia

So, they are green-screening Biden now.

Watch these two videos and pay close attention to Biden's hands as they interact (or rather, as they don't interact) with the microphones at the bottom of the screen. One video is much more egregiously faked than the other is.

Apparently, the senile dementia has progressed to a point where they have him practicing they same lines in front of a green screen until he gets it right, then they photoshop in the adoring press.

Same interview, different angle, same problem:

Now, this is an obvious, high-school level mistake. The question then is, are his handlers truly this incompetent, or are Americans being deliberately baited by being presented with an obviously faked interview event? 

If the former, then Biden's senile dementia has progressed to such a point that he has to be made to continuously practice his answers in front of a green screen until one of the takes is good enough to publish, then the adoring press is green-screened in. Also, his handlers are grossly incompetent at their jobs.

If the latter, Biden may or may not be suffering from senile dementia, but he and/or the people handling him have decided - for whatever reason - to make it obvious that they are deliberately manipulating the world's perception of events. Is it more charitable to consider the people around him idiots or malevolent? 

And therein lies the problem: sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malevolence.

1 comment:

Bob said...

I'd still bank on incompetence...