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Friday, June 07, 2019

Feminists Who Argue AGAINST Child Support

Emma Johnson, SingleMommy Blog:
Interesting aside: It is women are going to be the ones who end alimony. Often, the most vocal anti-alimony activists are women married to or in relationships with men who pay ungodly sums to exes: educated women who chose to be un- or underemployed, co-habiting (but not married to, because that would render alimony null) with educated men. The loudest alimony reformers, however, are successful women who are ordered to pay alimony and child support to menHell hath no fury like a woman paying alimony.
The Yale Journal of Law and Feminism:
I draw from this feminist literature as well, arguing that the child support system, as generally constructed, leads to the perpetuation of these traditional gender roles by forcing men to assume a status role of "father" as exclusive breadwinner. 
The Atlantic's biography of Karen Decrow, past president of NOW:
In a 1982 letter to the Times, she wrote that since men have no legal power to either veto or compel an abortion, it is only just that they shouldn’t have to pay for a woman’s unilateral decision to bring the pregnancy to term: “Or, put another way, autonomous women making independent decisions about their lives should not expect men to finance their choice.”'s article on how bread-wining women drive alimony reform:
Now that women are paying alimony more often, they are getting involved in advocating for change.
“It’s unfair for men to pay it, and unfair for women to pay it. But women are much more outraged by it,” said Ken Neumann, a founder of the Academy of Professional Family Mediators.
If there is no child at conception, and if sex creates no responsibility towards future children, that is, if women create children, then men can never be responsible for the existence of children. Men cannot be compelled to pay child support.

Feminists agree with this reasoning.

Present this information to pro-aborts and watch their heads explode.

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