Here's how you discover the true beliefs of minimum wage supporters.
1. They claim that a forced $15 wage does no harm to the economy and that it is "fair".
2. They inherently know that a forced $100 wage would indeed harm the economy and would be unfair.
So...they know that a forced $15 wage is inherently unfair and would harm the economy as well--however slight--but they're willing to lie about their beliefs because getting what they want (a forced $15 wage) is more important than revealing the truth.
Man is nature, and nature will always follow the path of least resistance.
So long as THE LAW allows people to sustain their lives at the expense of another person's long as THE LAW makes plunder less dangerous and less difficult than labor, plunder will be continued.
Observe, however, that this is the original purpose and intent of THE make plunder more difficult and more dangerous than labor.

Every capitalist chooses to live off the proceeds of someone else's labor. If I run a business employing a thousand people, then I have captured their labor and marketed the products of their labor to someone else.
That is the central key to capitalism. The value of a man's labor is not just what he produces, it is what he produces PLUS the marketing necessary to make other people aware of, and desirous of purchasing, what he produces. People who run companies understand that. Employees, by definition, either don't understand that, or cannot accomplish the necessary marketing (or they would be self-employed).
So, EVERY successful businessman is, by your definition, a "plunderer". A successful CEO understands that government is, when properly used, merely an extension of his own marketing efforts, an enforcer of his own successful corporate policies.
Government is a multi-purpose corporate tool that every corporation can access. Any corporation that manages to mold government regulation to his own advantage will succeed. Any that allows his competitor to mold government will fail. Now, some government regulations are good for corporations across the board, but the best government regulation - from my corporate perspective - is the regulation that benefits ONLY my firm and actively harms everyone else's. Writing such regulations and paying legislators to pass them into law is the hallmark of the superlative CEO.
Corporate lobbyists write the laws.
Corporations pay legislators to enact the laws they have written.
Corporations pay legislators to enforce the laws they have written.
The government is merely a group of independent contractors who work for whichever corporation paid them last or most. Government is not tyranny any more or less than Apple or IBM is tyranny.
We vote for corporations by buying their products. Corporations then use our votes (dollars) to gain market share. Some of it they spend on making new products, some of it they spend on buying laws favorable to themselves from the independent contractors we call "government." Success in either area gains market share, i.e., more votes (dollars).
Anyone who doesn't manage to buy a favorable law complains about "tyranny." In fact, they simply lost in the marketplace to a market actor whose market skills were superior to their own.
Government is as legitimate a market actor as any other business.
Government does not "distort" the free market. It is part of the free market. It is a natural consequence of free market corporate competition.
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