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Monday, October 20, 2014

Martin Luther King Quote on Ferguson, MO

If we could eliminated black on black violence, America's murder rate would fall by 50%. Want proof? This is the best FBI table:

This is the FBI summary of the table: This is the best pull-quote from the sumary
"Concerning murder victims for whom race was known, 50.4 percent were black, 47.0 percent were white, and 2.6 percent were of other races. Race was unknown for 152 victims. (Based on Expanded Homicide Data Table 2.)
Of the offenders for whom race was known, 53.1 percent were black, 44.6 percent were white, and 2.3 percent were of other races. The race was unknown for 4,224 offenders. (Based on Expanded Homicide Data Table 3.) "

Here is a rabidly left-wing organization that admits it.

And Martin Luther King himself pointed out the same thing fifty years, ago, so it ain't new: 

"Do you know that Negroes are 10 percent of the population of St. Louis and are responsible for 58% of its crimes? We've got to face that. And we've got to do something about our moral standards," Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. told a congregation in 1961. "We know that there are many things wrong in the white world, but there are many things wrong in the black world, too. We can't keep on blaming the white man. There are things we must do for ourselves."


Unknown said...

What are you trying to say? That white people are more civ ok l and nlack people are rabid and not equal?

Steve Kellmeyer said...

What was MLK trying to say? Because I agree with MLK - why don't you?

Probably because you're a white wannabee, like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Barack Obama. Each of those "men" kiss up to Whitey so they can make money. They don't do jack for black folk.

MLK, he said what needed to happen. That's why he got killed. He wouldn't kiss up like Obama does. MLK had a little integrity - anyone who follows Obama-Sharpton-Jackson just gets a lesson in how to undermine MLK's work.

Unknown said...

Are you black? That lanfuage is uncwlled for, and I didnt need that insukt, you dont know me, PERIOD! I am none of those insults, and know they do nothing for Black PEOPLE,but violence Period needs to be reduced, black on black violence, has very little to do with race, but poverty, education, things like that, and have the white and black statistics were very close btw

Steve Kellmeyer said...

70% of the population is white, 12% is black. For every one black, there are six whites.

If violence rates were equal, for every one black murdered by a black, there SHOULD be six whites murdered by whites. Whites should have six times as many deaths. They don't.

Instead, we know blacks are six times more likely to kill each other than whites are likely to kill whites. Hispanics aren't as nearly violent as blacks. Asians are even less violent than whites are.

As MLK recognized, the black culture is the most violent culture in the United States.

Blacks have to clean up their own house - and if the problem is poverty, education, etc., then Oprah, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Obama, should be giving their personal fortunes to help blacks. Black community should be helping each other. Do you see them doing that?

Of course not! They're killing each other, and Oprah and Obama blame the white man. Why? Because Oprah and Obama think it's easier to sucker their own people than it is to help their own people. You die, they use your blood to fill their bank accounts.

Unknown said...

There’s no such thing as “black-on-black” crime. Yes, from 1976 to 2005, 94 percent of black victims were killed by black offenders, but that racial exclusivity was also true for white victims of violent crime—86 percent were killed by white offenders. Indeed, for the large majority of crimes, you’ll find that victims and offenders share a racial identity, or have some prior relationship to each other.

What Shapiro and others miss about crime, in general, is that it’s driven by opportunism and proximity; If African-Americans are more likely to be robbed, or injured, or killed by other African-Americans, it’s because they tend to live in the same neighborhoods as each other. Residential statistics bear this out (PDF); blacks are still more likely to live near each other or other minority groups than they are to whites. And of course, the reverse holds as well—whites are much more likely to live near other whites than they are to minorities and African-Americans in particular.

Nor are African-Americans especially criminal. If they were, you would still see high rates of crime among blacks, even as the nation sees a historic decline in criminal offenses. Instead, crime rates among African-Americans, and black youth in particular, have taken a sharp drop. In Washington, D.C., for example, fewer than 10 percent of black youth are in a gang, have sold drugs, have carried a gun, or have stolen more than $100 in goods

Unknown said...

Black-on-Black homicides have decreased by 67% in 20 years, a sharper rate of decrease than white on white homicide.
According to FBI statistics 7361 Blacks were killed by fellow African-Americans in 1991. In 2011, it dropped dramatically to 2447 African-Americans.
Among Black youth, rates of robbery and serious property offenses are the lowest in more than 40 years.
Racial Inequality in the Criminal Justice System Facts

African Americans were two times as likely to be arrested and almost four times as likely to experience the use of force during encounters with the police.
In the federal system Black offenders receive sentences that are 10% longer than white offenders for the same crime.
Five times as many Whites are using drugs as African Americans, yet African Americans are sent to prison for drug offenses at 10 times the rate of Whites.
African Americans are incarcerated at nearly six times the rate of Whites.
African American juvenile youth are about 16% of the youth population, 37% of their cases are moved to criminal court & 58% of convicted African American youth are sent to adult prisons.
Controlling for other factors, including severity of the offense and prior criminal history, white men aged 18-29 were 38% less likely to be sentenced to prison than their Black male peers.
African American women are three times more likely than white women to be incarcerated.
African American defendants are 21% more likely to receive mandatory-minimum sentences than Whites and are 20% more like to be sentenced to prison.
While it is essential that we address the high levels of violence and incarceration in America compared to other industrialized countries, we cannot accurately do so by perpetuating the myth of a uniquely African American pathology toward violence and crime. Instead of denying the downward trends in crime in the Black community, we must applaud it and reward it with a serious examination of racial inequality in the American criminal justice system. Although, I am not sure whether our new found defenders of the Black community would agree.

Unknown said...

Black-on-Black homicides have decreased by 67% in 20 years, a sharper rate of decrease than white on white homicide.
According to FBI statistics 7361 Blacks were killed by fellow African-Americans in 1991. In 2011, it dropped dramatically to 2447 African-Americans.
Among Black youth, rates of robbery and serious property offenses are the lowest in more than 40 years.
Racial Inequality in the Criminal Justice System Facts

African Americans were two times as likely to be arrested and almost four times as likely to experience the use of force during encounters with the police.
In the federal system Black offenders receive sentences that are 10% longer than white offenders for the same crime.
Five times as many Whites are using drugs as African Americans, yet African Americans are sent to prison for drug offenses at 10 times the rate of Whites.
African Americans are incarcerated at nearly six times the rate of Whites.
African American juvenile youth are about 16% of the youth population, 37% of their cases are moved to criminal court & 58% of convicted African American youth are sent to adult prisons.
Controlling for other factors, including severity of the offense and prior criminal history, white men aged 18-29 were 38% less likely to be sentenced to prison than their Black male peers.
African American women are three times more likely than white women to be incarcerated.
African American defendants are 21% more likely to receive mandatory-minimum sentences than Whites and are 20% more like to be sentenced to prison.
While it is essential that we address the high levels of violence and incarceration in America compared to other industrialized countries, we cannot accurately do so by perpetuating the myth of a uniquely African American pathology toward violence and crime. Instead of denying the downward trends in crime in the Black community, we must applaud it and reward it with a serious examination of racial inequality in the American criminal justice system. Although, I am not sure whether our new found defenders of the Black community would agree. said...

Wow Troy, your obsession with making excuses and your denial about the violence that is part of black culture (and actually glorified in gangsta rap etc) is nothing less than mental illness. "There's no such thing as black-on-black crime"??? Are you out of your MIND??? As for "poverty, education, etc", the "etc" that you conveniently failed to mention is the fact that 70% of black kids are raised WITHOUT FATHERS, the fact that people like you (and more prominent race-baiters) instill an attitude of VICTIMHOOD, RAGE, and "THE WHITE MAN OWES ME SOMETHING" in black children that was not even there in the 1950s, before the Civil Rights movement!!! Black families were more intact then, and they might not have been able to drink from the same water fountains, or ride in the front of the bus, but they weren't blowing each other away in drive-by shootings or selling one another crack, meth, and other drugs nearly as often as they are now. The denial, excuses, and undermining of personal responsibility among black people that you're putting out there is the LAST thing black people need right now, because taking personal responsibility for their actions gives black people the power to change their own lives for the better, while blaming The White Man as people like you tend to do only keeps them in helpness, powerless victimhood, angry at the Massa for not taking care of them. You may mean well, but you ought to be ashamed of yourself for disempowering black people and stripping them of self-respect, dignity, and personal responsibility (and credit for their successes) as you and other liberals are doing. Blacks are arrested and incarcerated more often because they commit more crimes (especially violent crimes) than others do, AND because they have shitty attitudes and chips on their shoulders (not all obviously, but the ones who are constantly getting in trouble). "What they fuck are YOU looking at, bitch??", "Fuck the police", Kill mothaf#cking crackers", "F#ck white people", etc. Skin color has NOTHING to do with it, attitude and poor choices in life are what's keeping black people down (more than any other factor), but the more blacks are successful and manage to avoid a life of drugs, gangs, and violence, the more black children will see they have opportunities available to them besides selling crack on the corner, robbing people, or whatever. Obviously there are white criminals too, but the topic here is black crime so that's what I'm focusing on. “Do you know that Negroes are 10 percent of the population of St. Louis and are responsible for 58% of its crimes? We’ve got to face that.” -Martin Luther King, 1961.