Friday, November 03, 2023

Jews and Abortion

Jews predominate in America's abortion industry. The determination of whether a doctor will provide abortion can be predicted based on the doctor's religious views:

  • 40.2 percent of Jewish doctors say yes, compared with
  • 1.2 percent of Evangelical Protestants
  • 9 percent of Roman Catholics or Eastern Orthodox
  • 10.1 percent of Non-Evangelical Protestants
  • 20 percent of Hindus
  • 26.5 percent of doctors who said they had no religious affiliation

To determine how many abortionists each religious group would generate, we need to know what percentage of all doctors hold the various religious views represented above:

Religious Affiliation of Physicians Compared with the U.S. Population

AffiliationPhysicians, % (N)U.S. Population,*% (N)P (χ2)
Protestant38.8 (427)54.7 (800).00
Catholic21.7 (244)26.7 (370).01
Jewish14.1 (181)1.9 (26).00
None10.6 (117)13.3 (198).06
Hindu5.3 (53)0.2 (1).00
Muslim2.7 (33)0.5 (5).00
Orthodox2.2 (22)0.5 (7).00
Mormon1.7 (17)0.4 (6).00
Buddhist1.2 (13)0.2 (3).01
Other1.8 (18)1.6 (21).70
Total100 (1125)100 (1437)

Now, we take those numbers and multiply across to see how many abortionists each religious faith would produce. As you can see from the table below, if we had 100 doctors in front of us, only 16 of those doctors would be willing to perform an abortion at all.

Religion% of all doctors% willing to abort childrenabortionists/100
Protestant38.8 11.3 (1.2+10.1)4.4
R. Catholic/EO23.9 (21.7+2.2)92.2
No religion10.626.52.8
Muslim2.7no data-
Mormon1.7no data-
Buddhist1.2no data-
Other1.8no data-
TOTAL100 16

Of those 100 doctors, about 14 of them would be Jewish. Of those 14 Jewish doctors, between 5 and 6 of them would be willing to perform abortions. Roughly 39 of the doctors would be Protestant, between 4 and 5 of them would be willing to perform abortions. 24 would label themselves Catholic, but only 2 of them would murder a child in the womb. 

Jews only make up 2% of the population, but of the 16 abortionists produced in our cozy little group of 100 doctors, roughly 35% of the abortionists would be Jewish.

On the other hand, Protestants make up 55% of the population, but supply just 27% of the abortionists. Catholics and Eastern Orthodox together make up roughly 27% of the population but only make up 13% of the abortionists. 

TLDR: Christians are 80% of the population, and supply 40% of the abortionists. Jews are 2% of the population and supply 35% of the abortionists. Their 2% of the population supplies nearly as many abortionists as the Christian 80%.

So, let's stop pretending there is such a thing as "Judeo-Christian" morality. "Judeo-Christian morality" is a chimera, a fantasy, a unicorn, it is a Protestant idea that is less than two centuries old. There is no such thing. It doesn't exist. 


Israeli Jews also have no problem with involuntarily sterilizing minority populations they don't like. 52% of Israeli Jews see African migrants as a cancer on their nation, and Israel was involuntarily sterilizing Ethiopian Jews for years.

Now, this is what Israeli Jews do to their fellow Jews who happen to be the wrong color skin. What do you think they might do to the non-Jews that live among them?

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