Friday, July 01, 2005

O'Connor's Resignation

Not to be too apocalyptic, but...

"Proclaim ye this among the nations: Prepare war, raise up the strong: let them come, let all the men of war come up. Cut your ploughshares into swords, and your spades into spears. Let the weak say: I am strong. Break forth, and come, all ye nations from round about, and gather yourselves together: there will the Lord cause all thy strong ones to fall down. Let them arise, and let the nations come up into the valley of Josaphat: for there I will sit to judge all nations round about." (Joel 3:10-12)

Everyone quotes Isaiah, but no one ever quotes Joel.

Now we will see if the Republican party can be trusted or if a new party needs to be formed.


  1. Or perhaps, taking a broader view, we shall see if the entire American system can be trusted or if a new system -- one more compatible with Catholicism -- needs to be advanced in its place.

  2. Oh, there's no doubt that a new system, more in line with Catholicism, needs to supplant the present culture and Constitution of the United States. Getting from here to there, however, that's where it gets difficult. . . .

    St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle! St. Godfrey of Bouillon, pray for us!

  3. How exactly do you plan on selling a switch to a system more in line with Catholicism --- when Catholics are a minority?

  4. The apostles were also in a minority, but they managed it.

  5. Actually, there are more conservative Christian political options now than we have had in probably 20 years. They may not be Catholic, but from a political perspective, only the death penalty is a major division. The nice thing about this is that the majority of them realize that to make any lasting change, we all have to stick together.

  6. "How exactly do you plan on selling a switch to a system more in line with Catholicism --- when Catholics are a minority?"

    I plan on helping convert the U.S. to Catholicism (starting with the members of the U.S. Catholic Church) -- then the switch will happen as a matter of course.

  7. I know its a long stretch, but just in case "W" is reading this -

    I think Alan Keyes would make a nice addition to the SCOTUS.
